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POV Squirt Alert Review

POV Squirt Alert Porn Review




  • good-quality videos
  • zipped photo sets
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • stopped updating
  • nonexclusive content
  • pics aren't high-res

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POV Squirt Alert Porn

Squirting is an art that men and women whisper about in the locker room. Guys brag that they got their babe to really blow a load, while chicks live vicariously through the ones who have actually experienced it. On POV Squirt Alert you will get to see this sexual act in all its glory. If you don't mind nonexclusive sites, then it will have you in a pornographic stupor.

Design can make or break a site. Thankfully, POVSquirtAlert has a wicked -looking interface that makes surfing fun. Not only is it easy to find the content you want, but it also always looks dynamic and fresh. It's a big change from some of the stale designs found elsewhere. It has even improved a little since we first gave it a look, but unfortunately the website hasn't grown at all.

You can check out 20 videos and each one can be streamed in an embedded Flash player and downloaded in a Windows Media format and a few MP4 formats, including one that offers good-quality playback. From stripping, posing, sucking cock, pussy licking, hardcore fucking, squirting and the ultimate cumshot, you will see a variety of scenes.

Sometimes the female ejaculation happens during the sex, while other times it seems to be a separate event. In at least one instance, a babe does it twice, once with her man and then alone.

There are also 15 photo sets to download in Zip files. The images aren't high-res, but they're nice crisp photos that really show off the beauty of some of the models. You will see some lovely solo posing where the gals gets slightly oiled up and show what they've got, often in sunny outdoor backdrops. You'll see oral and hardcore sex in a few frames too.

Among the extras, you will find additional photo galleries, more vids and even some DVDs with a squirting theme. There are also lots of bonus sites from Mega Site Pass, including Big League Squirters, Seduced By A Real Lesbian, Big Tits Like Big Dicks, Lesbian Sistas, Little Naughty Nymphos and Your Mom Tossed My Salad. There are streaming-only video feeds too.

As mentioned before, POV Squirt Alert hasn't been growing, so it remains a small website that won't keep you busy for very long. The extras and bonus sites add a ton of value, but on its own the website is disappointing.

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POV Squirt Alert Includes 11 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

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POV Squirt Alert Score & Stats

POV Squirt Alert Stats Scores
  • 20+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 15+ Pic Sets (40 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

POV Squirt Alert Video Quality




640x4802100K; Streaming



Published: Feb 27, 2013