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Reife Swinger Review

Reife Swinger Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • no longer updating
  • German with no English subtitles
  • limited trial

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Reife Swinger Categories & Tags

Reife Swinger Porn

If you enjoy porn that's raunchy and hardcore , Reife Swinger should be right up your alley. It's a German site  where frauen have sex with one or more partners and the premise is that they're all swingers. The performers come in different shapes and sizes and they vary in age, but they all share a desire for carnal pleasure.

Germans are skilled at producing kinky porn and they prove it time and time again in ReifeSwinger's 96 scenes that tend to run 20 to 30 minutes each, with all the BJs and sex you'd expect. The majority of them have three people going at it (either two men and a woman, or two ladies and one very lucky fellow). Unfortunately, there are no English subtitles and they haven't updated since September 2017.

Reife Swinger Members Area Preview

Reife Swinger Porn Members Area

There are Full HD videos, so there's nothing to complain about when it comes to the playback quality. There's nothing to complain about with downloads, either. You can save the accompanying sets of high-res photos in Zip files with high-res shots of all the action.

You've got a search bar, sorting options and a category menu. The movies also come with tags and detailed descriptions. You can leave comments and ratings and save your favorites or add them to a playlist. There's also a model index that contains a few stats and links to the performer's content. They list the male performers, too. I also appreciated that the interface is mobile -responsive.

The site is now part of the Amateur Euro network, which includes Casting Francais, Deutschland Report and Sex Tape Germany. There was a time when you got all the sites in the Lets Doe It network, but that isn't the case anymore and even that network has reduced from 40+ sites to only around 16.

If you like German porn with threesomes staring older and younger men and women, then you'll enjoy Reife Swinger. Just remember that once you've viewed all the videos, there's nothing more coming. The other amateur sites with more European porn add value to your membership though, even if you aren't getting as many bonuses as you used to.

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Reife Swinger Features

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Reife Swinger Membership Options

Cross Sales

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$1.00  2 Days

*Rebills at 34.95

$19.95  30 Days
$119.95  365 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Paypal

Reife Swinger Score & Stats

Reife Swinger Stats Scores
  • 96+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • 96+ Pic Sets (80 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount9/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score75%

Understand the criteria

Reife Swinger Video Quality




1920x10806000K; Streaming

Reife Swinger Reviewed by: Xander Gordon

Latest Review Update: Jul 14, 2019

Since our last review of the site:

  • There are 13 fewer videos and the dates were removed, but there have been no updates since September 2017.
  • You now get fewer bonus sites with the Amateur Euro network (previously the site was with Lets Doe It).