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Screw The Cops Review

Screw The Cops Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • 1000s of bonus videos

Don't Like:

  • small collection
  • no updates in a year
  • pre-checked cross sale

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Screw The Cops Porn

Screw The Cops Before They Screw You

"Screw The Cops!" sounds like the chant of disenfranchised citizens protesting against police corruption. And on this hardcore porn site , you get raunchy scenes of the exact bad behavior that gets police officers in hot water for abusing their authority. These encounters prove that there are two sides to every story .

Witness Potential Sex Scandals Unfold

Screw The Cops' videos expose the truth. When a sexy perp gets caught redhanded, she's eager to use her feminine wiles to get herself off the hook by getting the cops off instead. Sure, the police are meant to serve and protect the public, but who can blame men in blue for defending themselves against blue balls?

Screw The Cops Members Area Preview

Screw The Cops Porn Members Area

One poor patrolman, after getting no answer at the front door, ends up warning a teen resident about a noise complaint in her backyard where she's tanning naked. After apologizing for the intrusion, he tries to politely decline her request that he rub sunblock on her back. But soon her legs are spread and our beat cop lands balls-deep in this alleged disturber of the peace.

1080p Videos But Updates a Bust

What makes the 19 scenes really fun is that they're meant to be interactions caught on dashcams and bodycams - complete with timestamps. Any time the action switches from a POV angle, they blur the cops' faces. The last update was over a year ago, but at least every video has HD and Full HD versions along with high-res images in Zip files.

Easily Explore all the Extras

Even though the site is small, you've got extensive usability features that will come in handy when you explore the network, which includes more B!Originals, like Bang Real Teens and Bang Confessions, bringing you over 1,000 exclusive scenes along with more than 120,000 nonexclusive videos.

Select from among a few viewing options, including Gallery (just thumbs), Detailed (six thumbs with a descriptive phrase) or Movies (DVD-style thumbs), or filter by what's trending or Category. In addition to tracking your favorites, they can be added to a playlist or a custom one of your making. You can also look over your viewing history. You'll find tags and ratings for both the content and performers. In the model index, you won't see bios, just stats and links to their Twitter (if they have one). You can leave comments, too.

How to Cancel Screw The Cops

When it comes to their support, there's an FAQ section and contact options include email, live chat and an online form. For cancelations, use the link on the Your Subscriptions page to your biller in your user profile and follow the instructions from there. You can always reach out to our Rabbit's team for help, too - add us on Skype or use our contact form.

A Criminally Small Reality Porn Site

The scenes are high in quality and let you live out your good cop/bad girl fantasies. After more than a year without updates, this little police-on-perp collection will leave you wanting more. Thankfully, there are plenty of additional scenes to check out across the network and our ScrewTheCops discount lets you have them all at 40% off.

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Screw The Cops Membership Options

Cross Sales

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$17.95  30 Days
$99.95  180 Days
$120.00  365 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Paypal

Screw The Cops Score & Stats

Screw The Cops Stats Scores
  • 19+ Movies (avg: 18 mins)
  • 19+ Pic Sets (30 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality15/15
Content Amount6/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material7/10
Rabbit Score75%

Understand the criteria

Screw The Cops Video Quality




1920x10808706K; Streaming

Screw The Cops Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Oct 15, 2020

Since our last review of the site:

  • The site more than doubled in size with the addition of 10 scenes but hasn't seen an update in over a year.