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Secretary Fantasies Review

Secretary Fantasies Porn Review




  • bonus sites
  • some Full HD videos
  • zipped photo sets

Don't Like:

  • nonexclusive material
  • rotating content
  • a little pricey

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Secretary Fantasies is for all those folks who have fantasized about getting that babe at the front desk off the phone, out of her business attire and spread-eagled on her desk. This site is supposed to bring you scenes of XXX office abandon that are sure to make human resources very unhappy even as they leave horny coworkers extremely satisfied.

However, I should mention that the photos and videos on SecretaryFantasies do not always bring you appropriately themed scenes. Sometimes it's just a random chick sucking dick or getting fingered by a friend who technically might be a secretary, but it must be her day off since the scenario doesn't unfold in an office setting - unless she works at a couch manufacturing company and they keep a sample of their wares in the office.

The 116 videos can all be streamed and downloaded as Windows Media and MP4files. Some of the flicks can be enjoyed in Full HD, but you're more likely to encounter ones with good-quality playback. I rather enjoyed a scene in which a secretary with glasses aced her job interview by riding the thick rod of her future boss. She was so good, I think she even earned a raise without working a day.

The site also has 329 photo galleries. Some are high-res, but the quality does vary. You'll see hotties posing alone and masturbating in their offices after stripping out of sexy - albeit slightly tacky - polyester business suits, as well as plenty of secretary blowjobs , office-assistant sex, administrative-assistant threesomes and, of course, facials .

The site appears to be updating very frequently, but they're likely rotating the content. There is more now than previously, but I've seen some of the more recent updates with different dates in the past. It's unfortunate, but at least there are 10 bonus sites, including Amateur Sex Outdoors and Dark Thrills. There are also video feeds and a DVD theater.

The website is a little expensive and it isn't really bringing you fresh material, but, despite its problems, you might want to give Secretary Fantasies a look all the same because its got some porn and the quality is pretty high.

Secretary Fantasies Alternatives

Secretary Fantasies Score & Stats

Secretary Fantasies Stats Scores
  • 116+ Movies (avg: 15 mins)
  • 329+ Pic Sets (100 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Secretary Fantasies Video Quality








720x4050K; Streaming

Published: Apr 22, 2014