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Sissy Instruction Review

Sissy Instruction Porn Review




  • mostly HD videos
  • fetish bonus sites
  • user ratings & comments

Don't Like:

  • inconsistent updates
  • ads for cam girls among the content
  • only vid caps


30 Days

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I'm definitely one of those guys who was called a sissy at different times growing up, so in my case, I guess it just came naturally. However, finally there's hope for all the other men out there who were not fortunate enough to be born with the sissy gene. Sissy Instruction nurtures the sissy in you that nature has deprived you of up until now.

You must be letting loose a giant sigh of relief, because regardless of the maleficent manliness that has cursed your existence up until now, you know deep down that you want to be seen as sad, pathetic and wimpy by women. You want them to dominate you and treat you like you're less than a man, because that turns you on and you're not worthy of any of the beauties who appear on SissyInstruction.

Sissy Instruction Members Area Preview

Sissy Instruction Porn Members Area

In the 89 videos, most with high-def playback (although it doesn't always look great), one recurring theme is that even though you worship the chicks, you also want to suck cock. The girls also suggest that you want to crossdress and/or get pegged. They don't judge you for wanting any of these things because they find it hot, but they demand that you admit your secret desires.

You can get a taste for what happens in each scene by checking out the vid caps. There are also lengthy descriptions that tend to go into detailed fantasies that are at times more complex than what's actually being portrayed. A lot of what you'll see here could be described as POV Femdom , because the women look directly into the camera and address you as if you're right there in the room. They might use props, like dildos, to illustrate their point as they describe what they think you want to do to another man. You'll also see some strapon sex as well as bisexual threesomes .

It's been more than two months since the last update, but at least at that time they added a large batch of over two dozen scenes. However, before that, more than a year had passed without anything, so clearly it's not consistent. Luckily, your membership also includes the rest of the Fem Training network, with sites like Your Gay Fantasy, Bisexual Trainer and Cuckold Trainer.

I should mention that the entire network is peppered with live cam ads among the content thumbnails, making navigation at bit confusing at times. Plus, the content can overlap across the sites. Also, the "home" button always takes you the network's homepage regardless of what individual site you're on.

Sissy Instruction seems a bit lackluster even if it has some hot ball-busters emasculating us all. It's hard to quantify why I feel that way, because clearly you've got some high-quality content and the collection is a decent size. I think it's that the user experience is a bit disappointing and the videos don't look as good as their stats suggest.

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Sissy Instruction Score & Stats

Sissy Instruction Stats Scores
  • 89+ Movies (avg: 12 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality10/15
Content Amount7/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score65%

Understand the criteria

Sissy Instruction Video Quality




1280x7203379K; Streaming



Sissy Instruction Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Sep 23, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • The collection has grown by 34 videos, with 27 added around two months ago. Before that, they went for more than a year without an update.