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Smelly Dick Review

Smelly Dick Porn Review




  • exclusive content
  • high-def videos
  • high-res photos

Don't Like:

  • no zipped photo sets
  • small collection
  • slow to update

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The olfactory neurons that start in your nostrils have a very short trip to reach the inside of your skull. That's why picking your nose can lead to brain damage and it's also why even faint, but especially strong odors invoke memories faster than sights and sounds. With that in fact mind, the dudes on Smelly Dick must be invoking fond pheromone-induced recollections lickety-dickety-split!

I'm circumcised and if I were to believe the hype then I might believe that it's my lack of foreskin keeping me clean and daisy-fresh down there. However, after having known uncut men intimately, I can testify that SmellyDick doesn't just happen. You need to be careful to preserve any ripening build-up, because even the slightest of hygiene risks wiping away those concentrated secretions of oil and exfoliated skin cells that turn into sweet man cheese.

So, just like success in the flower garden requires getting dirty, cultivating the gunk on your junk means letting yourself get a bit filthy. Some of the men you will see in this collection do better than others when it comes to keeping their cranks a bit crusty, but they all seem turned on by the look and smell resulting from their efforts. So much so that they masturbate and I hear nothing makes for better lube than a dude's own creamy crotch butter.

The smegma-doration and masturbation is captured in 15 videos (two of which can only be streamed) and 14 photo galleries making for a rather small collection. All of the content was added in the course of just a couple of days in November and there hasn't been update since.

At least you get high-def playback when you download them in Windows Media format. You'll also find a great-quality Flash version to stream, but these need to preload before you can skip ahead in the footage. I also wish that the high-res pics came in Zip files, but there is an automatic slideshow feature.

Other than a few other features, like the ability to leave comments, a basic keyword search and being able to search by model tags, there's not a lot else to say about this collection. All in all, Smelly Cock is one of the rare sites that explores smegma fetish, so it's too bad it isn't bigger. Though you won't find many other sites that are centered on this topic, you might want to explore other ones with similar themes like Fore Skin and Man Up Films.

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Smelly Dick Score & Stats

Smelly Dick Stats Scores
  • 15+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 14+ Pic Sets (156 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Smelly Dick Video Quality






1024x5762500K; Streaming

Published: Dec 31, 2012