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Submit Your Thai Review

Submit Your Thai Porn Review




  • some HD videos
  • Asian bonus sites
  • mostly exclusive content

Don't Like:

  • no downloads with monthly membership
  • rotating content
  • no browsing tools

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Submit Your Thai Porn

Thailand is famous for being an erotic destination for men from around the world who go there to be treated like kings by women looking to please (for the right price, of course). But when these guys come back from their sex vacation, what are they supposed to do with all those pictures and videos they took of their conquests? Send them to Submit Your Thai of course!

I wondered about the legitimacy of this "user-submitted content" going in. After all, I've seen a lot of sites boasting "real amateur content" when in fact it's anything but. SubmitYourThai seems to be legit in the sense that anyone can submit videos and photos, provided they have the proper documents to go along with it (photo ID of the girls, signed agreements, etc.).

Submit Your Thai Members Area Preview

Submit Your Thai Porn Members Area

Once all the above has been sorted out, they upload content of them fucking and getting sucked off by sexy Taiwanese amateurs, as well as videos and photos of the girls stripping and teasing. In total, you're looking at 230 mostly HD videos and 266 photo sets.

However, either they stopped accepting new user-submitted videos or they're having trouble getting people to upload stuff. You see, they removed a significant amount of content (approximately 200 photo sets) and despite the recent dates, these aren't new videos - it looks like they're just rotating them.

Also, when we last visited, they had introduced a policy that limited monthly memberships to streaming-only. If you wanted to download, you needed to get a 3-month or yearly subscription. Now, they've added another restriction. You're limited to downloading 20GB per day. To be fair, most of the videos aren't huge, so you should be able to avoid hitting it.

When it comes to organizing things, though the sections are named and some separate the videos and photos, other areas, such as "submitted," have the vids and pics mixed together, while "uploaded" only has pictures. It gets frustrating to look for the videos, too, because you have to click on each thumbnail to see if it takes you to a Flash page or a gallery. To boot, there's no advanced search, sorting options or tags to help you out. You can't even post comments or ratings.

If you find yourself with some time to kill (or you're getting bored of the recycled videos), you've got a handful of other Asian porn sites to check out, including Lulu Sex Bomb and Tussinee. In the end, you're still getting good value with a Submit Your Thai membership. Afterward, you may just want to head over to Thailand and experience it all for yourself.

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Submit Your Thai Features

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User Comments

By Jesse on Mar 15, 2013

I joined and this site is a bonus. And wow, its a great bonus! I was definitely happy to see such a big quality site that was included in my purchase. I love to see all the amateur girls of all different sizes and age. Fun stuff.


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Submit Your Thai Score & Stats

Submit Your Thai Stats Scores
  • 230+ Movies (avg: 8 mins)
  • 266+ Pic Sets (30 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount11/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score66%

Understand the criteria

Submit Your Thai Video Quality


1280x7203956K; Streaming



Submit Your Thai Reviewed by: Xander Gordon

Latest Review Update: Mar 5, 2019

Since our last review of the site:

  • They've removed about 200 photo sets and seem to be recycling content.