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Teen Kasia Review

Teen Kasia Porn Review




  • some HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • unclear update schedule
  • some navigational issues
  • lacking user features


30 Days

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Teen Kasia Porn

Teen Kasia is the home of an 18-year-old Polish girl who will definitely win you over with just one smile. She can look absolutely adorable and look as innocent as a little lamb in one shoot, but then also seduce you in the next one with a seemingly more sophisticated allure. And that keeps things interesting on this individual model's mostly solo site.

Her site is part of the Phil Flash network and it has been undergoing some changes as of late. Phil's wife has now separated her sites from her hubby's, so in addition to some existing ones with other individual models, which he already offered for years, he created some new sites, too. TeenKasia seems to be one of the latter and when you sign in, the first thing you'll need to do is select it from the list of Phil's many sites on the left hand side.

Once you've tracked her collection down, you will be able to read a write-up describing a couple of intense shooting sessions lasting not just hours, but days to create the content. You will also see the content totals clearly marked as 97 videos and 82 photo galleries. That comes in handy, because her actual updates are listed with thumbnails that do not list what they link to.

I suppose in some ways that lack of detail isn't the hugest deal, because much of the time you're getting both footage, which often comes in great-looking SD or HD, and images, varying sizes of high-res ones to download in Zip files. Still, I wouldn't call the navigation good not only for the lack of clearly labeled thumbs, but also you can only move forward or back through her content a page at a time. Sure, there aren't that many pages total, but the two issues sort of compound one another.

Dawn Avril is Phil's wife and you will still see her Twitter feed as well as her live cam show schedule linked to this network's homepage. But any link to her actual site will prompt you to sign up separately to her network. There is one other option, though, instead of just joining Phil network, you do have the option of buying their Ultimate Pass Membership giving access to the couples' two networks.

Otherwise, though, the price to join just Phil's network is very reasonable and it brings you something like 45 other sites. Examples include Princess Blueyez, Taylor Twins and Next Door Nikki. But even without taking these additional sites, Teen Kasia is worth checking out just on its own merit. But since nothing is dated, it's not clear how often it's growing, though, so it's not clear how long it will hold your attention.

Teen Kasia Alternatives

Teen Kasia Features

Teen Kasia Includes 3 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

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Teen Kasia Membership Options

Cross Sales

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$9.95  30 Days
$34.95  365 Days

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No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card

Teen Kasia Score & Stats

Teen Kasia Stats Scores
  • 97+ Movies (avg: 5 mins)
  • 82+ Pic Sets (31 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount9/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material5/10
Rabbit Score69%

Understand the criteria

Teen Kasia Video Quality




1280x7205193K; Streaming



Published: Dec 3, 2017