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TokyoWhores provides you with both pictures and videos of Asian amateurs . The members' area has been redesigned once again and while it looks a little better, it's still not the best-looking site, nor did it really improve navigation. The archive galleries from 2003 and 2004 were removed due to them being .asf files that were no longer compatible with Windows Media, so it's nice to see that you won't be dealing with dead links.
In terms of videos, you'll find many Japanese bondage clips that you can download as Windows Media files and some full-length DVDs that you can stream in a Flash player, but the latter are just bonuses. The quality varies somewhat, but you'll find a few movies that are stellar in quality. In total, you'll find around 150 videos.
There are several categories of photos, like Shibari bondage, fetish costumes and hardcore . While nudity is a part of almost all the shoots, they are sometimes only partially clothed and many pics focus on the gal in her panties and on her facial reaction to being bound. Many of the scenes have blurred-out naughty bits and if you're a bondage afficianado, you'll quickly realize that the "shibari movies " section contains very little shibari.
There are also "urabon" movies direct from Japan (these are kind of underground porn films done without the censorship). The authenticity of the content is where this site really stands out. The mix of censored and non-censored material is nice for those annoying by the typical blurred genitals.
However, the variety is definitely part of the appeal if you're looking for a little more than just bondage. If you only want to see Asians tied up, then the non-bondage porn may prove to be a bit annoying, because they make up the bulk of what you'll find in the images. All in all, there are roughly 250 photo galleries and you'll find Zip files only in the "urabon" section."
Members also get access to a whole bunch of extras that include games, puzzles, videos on demand, live cams and more. Not all of the smut looks incredible, but there is a decent amount of it. If you consider yourself a lover of Asian women and bondage, then Tokyo Whores might be worth checking out. If, however, you're looking for something with a little more focus, then you might want to move on.
Image Quality | N/A |
Usability | N/A |
Updates | N/A |
Content Amount | N/A |
Value | N/A |
Exclusivity | N/A |
Download / Streaming | N/A |
Features | N/A |
Bonus Material | N/A |
Rabbit Score | N/A |
Windows | 720x480; 2290K |