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Twisted Females Review

Twisted Females Porn Review




  • some videos in HD or Full HD
  • large batch updates
  • bonus content

Don't Like:

  • some nonexclusive content
  • few photo sets
  • no advanced search


30 Days

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I've known some Twisted Females in my time, but I don't think any of them came close to being as hardcore as the Dommes on this mega-site. In comparison, the women I know are some of the nicest on the planet. I think it's safe to say that you wouldn't want to get on these Mistresses' bad side - or would you?

You're really getting an entire Femdom network rather than a single site. However, there are scenes that are listed as belonging specifically to TwistedFemales. They show a minimum of one Domme taking a slave to task. The subs are usually male and you'll see them getting flogged, caned and beaten red with combs and paddles. Some are gagged with dirty lingerie , others are blindfolded and practically all of them get tied up at one point.

You also get Lezdom action, as well as some POV obedience and humiliation videos that allow you to put yourself in the slave's shoes. But that's also true of many of the other sites you can access, like Foot Fetish Fun, Small Penis Disgrace, Smashing Your Balls, Sock Fixation and Giantess Dommes. There are also some streaming DVDs as extras, but they tend to give you mainstream hardcore action.

When you first log in, you're taken to the network's homepage, which combines all the collections. Clicking on the "home" tab takes you there as well and so does clicking on the network's banner. It's important to remember, because if you're checking out a scene from a specific site, you'll need to use your back button to return to the list of scenes - not "home," or you'll end up having to re-select the site from the "sites" tab.

Also, there are many live cam ads among the site's updates, so it's easy to click one, thinking it's main content. But more of an issue is the limited pagination. Even though you can move forward and back by a handful of pages at a time, it doesn't seem practical given how big the site is. Moreover, you don't have the option to jump to the last page or back to the first.

At any rate, you'll find 2583 videos and they all come in full-length files. Each gives you two or three MP4 files. You'll find lots of videos in HD or Full HD, but they don't always look so crisp. In other instances, you're simply getting an SD file. There are 3GPs too, but they don't seem to work. You'll also find 13 photo galleries, although most of the videos only come with vid caps.

You can leave comments on the movies you really like and give them a rating. You can also save your favorites, but an advanced search engine or keyword tags would really help you narrow down your choices here, especially since there's so much content.

It's been more than a month since the last update, but at least when they do add content these days it comes in large batches. It would be nice if the quality of the vids was consistently high, but it doesn't prevent you from enjoying the collection. Even with those limitations in mind, you're really getting your money's worth with Twisted Females.

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Twisted Females Score & Stats

Twisted Females Stats Scores
  • 2583+ Movies (avg: 28 mins)
  • 13+ Pic Sets (150 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image Quality12/15
Content Amount14/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material5/10
Rabbit Score75%

Understand the criteria

Twisted Females Video Quality




1920x10808271K; Streaming



Twisted Females Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Sep 9, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • They've added more than 1,400 scenes, but updates don't happen on a consistent basis. They do tend to add a lot of content at once, though.