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UK Hot Jocks Review

UK Hot Jocks Porn Review




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UK Hot Jocks Porn

When people think of jocks, they think of big, burly athletic dudes who are known more for their brawn than their brains. But the jocks on UK Hot Jocks are a little bit different. Sure, they've got muscles and cute faces and the like, but these studs are best known for their big cocks that they use to invade the anal hindquarters of other hunks.

The working-class studs on UKHotJocks are - surprise, surprise - British and we get a peek at what goes on in their lives. While they work and socialize with their peers, the real fun begins when they're behind closed doors where the steamy guy-on-guy sex occurs. You'll see a lot of cocks getting sucked, bums being licked and arses (as the Brits call asses) being fucked.

UK Hot Jocks Members Area Preview

UK Hot Jocks Porn Members Area

The site has changed a bit since our last visit, although the current design looks similar enough. The bigger change is that now you get a good dose of bonus content. As a member you can download one full-length DVD as a sort of loyalty reward, but you also have lots of streaming scenes and third-party video feeds. You can also check out their Tumblr and Facebook pages, follow them on Twitter and watch their YouTube channel.

As far as the main content, you get 31 full-length DVDs, each with 4-6 scenes, and there's also the "LockerJocks" section with masturbation scenes involving anal fingering and sometimes sex toys . All told you're looking at 254 videos with new ones added about once a week. All list Full HD stats, but some look better than others. You can also check out high-res pics for each and download the sets in Zip files.

They aren't kidding when they refer to these guys as jocks. They've got naturally good looks, chiseled bodies and are clean-cut. Most of them look like they could easily double as underwear models, but, thankfully, they've decided to show off their special moves in the sack instead.

You'll feel the unbridled passion when ripped Marco Sessions fucks Jake Reed in the bathroom of a nightclub and deposits his load on Jake's muscular chest. There's even some interracial sex sprinkled into the mix - just watch chocolate-skinned stud Tyson Tyler get his ass licked and slide his long dong into Junior Price's tight ass.

This site looks great and is easy to browse. You can leave comments and ratings, but there aren't any tags and there's only a basic search. You also can't sort the content, but there's a terrific model index. It has detailed stats for the guys and you'll find more solo pics of them in their underwear and showing off their beefy (usually uncut) tube steaks. There are also shot interview videos, so in the end, you actually get 369 videos in total.

UK Hot Jocks provides high-quality gay hardcore entertainment starring some hot studs. As long as they continue to add new content on a consistent basis, a membership here is a wise investment. The fact that they've also added a bunch of bonuses only adds to the overall value.

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UK Hot Jocks Score & Stats

UK Hot Jocks Stats Scores
  • 369+ Movies (avg: 26 mins)
  • 369+ Pic Sets (30 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount12/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material5/10
Rabbit Score79%

Understand the criteria

UK Hot Jocks Video Quality




1920x10807982K; Streaming

UK Hot Jocks Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Feb 3, 2018

Since our last review of the site:

  • They've added over 280 videos along with their photos. Updates continue to be around once a week.
  • You get a loyalty reward each month in the form of a downloadable DVD. You also get lots of streaming bonus videos and some third-party feeds.