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Xs Orgasms Review

Xs Orgasms Porn Review




  • good-looking videos
  • low-end membership fee
  • exclusive content

Don't Like:

  • no photos
  • no bonus sites
  • streaming-only videos


30 Days

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Xs Orgasms Porn

At first I thought they had forgotten a couple of X's in the sitename. However, it isn't supposed to be triple X, rather the X of Xs Orgasms is the woman's name. Since she doesn't want to be recognized, she uses a letter.

That desire to remain incognito also leads to her face always being blurred out when it is at all visible in the scenes (which isn't often, as usually the camera keeps it out of frame). XsOrgasms is pretty much solely focused on this lady's orgasms. That sounds good, right? Well, it isn't!

First, there are only 17 videos. It isn't a lot of content, but especially so given that these videos take us back over a few years (according to the site tour) from before and through her pregnancy. It could be that they just saved up a bunch of videos and are releasing them now. I don't know. So, I will assume they are adding content weekly, but we will have a better idea of a schedule when we come back to check out the site again.

The videos can only be streamed on the site and there are no photo sets. The movies look good in the Flash player, though, so that is something on the positive side. Also, X does have real orgasms and you do see her pussy drip and even witness some of the orgasmic contractions at times.

Yet another issue I have with the site is with the content itself. I appreciated watching a closeup of a real amateur woman bringing herself to orgasm, but the vids are all pretty similar and in the end provide little action. She lies there, uses a toy or fingers, cums and that's it. She also makes very little noise, even leading up to her orgasms.

The good news is that the Xs Orgasms membership fee is very reasonable and it renews at an even lower price for the second month. But really, unless she adds more content fast and/or some bonus content, there really isn't any reason to stick around past the first month – and even that first month could seem long.

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Xs Orgasms Score & Stats

Xs Orgasms Stats Scores
  • 17+ Movies (avg: 5 mins)
  • Streaming
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality8/15
Content Amount4/15
Download / Streaming3/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score59%

Understand the criteria

Published: Dec 26, 2010