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Young Bastards Review

Young Bastards Porn Review




  • newer videos in HD
  • easy to navigate
  • bonus gay video feeds

Don't Like:

  • some nonexclusive content
  • no keyword or model tags
  • can't post comments


30 Days

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Young Bastards Porn

Young Bastards brings you scallies and skinheads (British terms for dangerous bad boys who are prone to brawling). These dudes look intimidating and I would never have the nerve to approach them on the street. But seeing their face-fucking blowjobs and rough bum sex in backstreet alleys, industrial warehouses and grungy washrooms, I'd love to break myself off a big piece of that sweet oral and anal action.

Truth be told, the 155 videos go a few other places that make them even raunchier and I don't just mean because there are a good number of hot threesomes . In at least one, there's some fucking in a sling and hot wax is used as foreplay. There's also a scene involving breath control that gets quite intense as the bottom is throttled while fucked. And there's lots of pissing. Clearly, YoungBastards doesn't pull any punches.

I love the action and I am very excited by the changes that they have made to this site. The platform used to be VOD, but now you can buy memberships that allow unlimited streaming or unlimited streaming and downloading. Moreover, a good chunk of the movies are HD, like more than third of them. I don't know if all the movies have them, but I did notice English subtitles when the performers were being interviewed.

Some movies only have vid caps or no images at all and there isn't a separate photo section, but going through the videos I found 104 galleries. The pics aren't particularly large, but they're decent and you can download some in Zip files, with others only downloadable on an individual basis.

The interface is fairly simple, but you can rate the scenes and keep track of your favorites. There aren't keyword or model tags, nor is there any kind of search engine. You can sort the content, though, and there is a model index with a few pertinent details about each guy. There is also a section of extras with streaming gay video feeds.

At the moment, when you sign up through our link, you have the option of getting access to the unlimited streaming and downloading option for the same price as the streaming-only membership. Moreover, that option only costs about $20. Young Bastards is better than ever and easy to recommend. Oh, and updates are once or twice a week.

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Young Bastards Membership Options

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$29.95  30 Days
$59.95  90 Days
$119.95  365 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

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Young Bastards Score & Stats

Young Bastards Stats Scores
  • 155+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • 104+ Pic Sets (30 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • No 4K Videos
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality12/15
Content Amount11/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score75%

Understand the criteria

Young Bastards Video Quality




1280x7204002K; Streaming

Young Bastards Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Nov 19, 2016

Since our last review of the site:

  • This site has grown by 114 videos and 86 photo sets. They appear to add new scenes about once or twice a week.
  • The site looks completely different and is no longer a VOD site, but instead offers unlimited streaming and downloading, depending on the membership you get.