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Young Latino Studz Review

Young Latino Studz Porn Review




  • exclusive content
  • gay bonus sites
  • keyword tags

Don't Like:

  • rotating content
  • no advanced search
  • navigation relies heavily on back button


30 Days

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Young Latino Studz has Latin amateurs who are a bit different than what I'm used to seeing. There are usually just a few kinds of Latinos in gay porn: slim twinks , bodybuilders and so-called "thugs" on gangsta-style sites. But here you'll see guys who are more natural-looking rather than those hard-bodied jocks you're used to. They all seem sweet, not street.

Personally, I find the guys on YoungLatinoStudz more appealing, because I generally find amateurs more relatable than pornstars who look like they're pressed from shiny plastic, or chiseled from stone. Some of the guys here are straight, but it isn't overemphasized. There's more of a luscious Latin sensuality being expressed rather than the in-your-face machismo you often get.

Young Latino Studz Members Area Preview

Young Latino Studz Porn Members Area

You can download 94 videos and they give you average-quality playback when downloaded in the better of the two MP4s on offer. The flicks can be saved and streamed in other MP4 files, too, but they're lower in quality. At least you no longer have to let the streams load before you can skip ahead.

The 78 photo sets can be viewed in an automatic slideshow, but there's no Zip download. They seem to offer high-res pics (click on the center of the embedded display to see full-sized versions) and give you a mix of solo and mutual masturbation , along with handjobs , blowjobs and anal sex.

One of my favorite scenes is a hookup between Freddy Vega and Christian Mohr. They don't actually fuck, but there's lots of sucking, ass -rimming and fingering, some passionate kissing, loads of rubbing up against each other and naked dry-humping. The fact that they don't just go through the standard blowjob followed by anal penetration makes the scene more intense.

A membership comes with lots of video feeds and 21 other CJ XXX network sites, including Workin Men, Brazilian Studz and Defiant Boyz. Some of the other sites don't seem to be growing. This one isn't growing either and instead has been rotating its content since at least the spring of 2013.

I should also mention that the network was redesigned and all the sites are now integrated into one interface. There are still some details to iron out, like how you can't seem to save your favorites even though there's an option for it. You will find keyword tags, though, and you can leave comments and rate the scenes. Navigation relies too much on the back button, though.

I'm truly in love with some of the guys here, because they're attractive without being so "perfect." Nevertheless, I would like to see higher-quality videos on Young Latino Studz, even if the site does give you sweet Latinos fucking. After all, there are just too many other sites in this niche that are better.

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No. Downloads are not available at this time.

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Young Latino Studz Score & Stats

Young Latino Studz Stats Scores
  • 94+ Movies (avg: 16 mins)
  • 78+ Pic Sets (40 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image Quality7/15
Content Amount9/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score63%

Understand the criteria

Young Latino Studz Video Quality




540x350546K; Streaming

Young Latino Studz Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Feb 4, 2015

Since our last review of the site:

  • The interface was redesigned and they added some handy features, like keyword tags and streams that allow you to advance right away. In the process, though, the favorites button no longer seems to work.
  • The navigation now relies too heavily on the use of your back button and if you get a bit lost, you have to reselect the site and start from the very beginning.
  • They removed the higher-quality WMVs and now you only get MP4 files.
  • You now get more than double the amount of bonus sites.