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Tranny Temptation Review

Tranny Temptation Porn Review




  • good-quality videos
  • exclusive content
  • bonus sites

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  • no recent updates
  • streams must pre-load before skipping
  • no photo sets

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Tranny Temptation Porn

If you've got a thing for chicks with dicks, you might really be tempted to give Tranny Temptation a look. Should you, though? If you're here reading this, that's probably exactly what you want to know. Well, read on and I'll tell you.

TrannyTemptation has a decent design. It uses its homepage to highlight its newest scenes, its most popular movies and its top performers. If you want to see all the videos at your disposal, all you need to do is head into the site's "scenes" section. If you'd rather start things off by discovering the models, you can do so by perusing the model index.

Tranny Temptation Members Area Preview

Tranny Temptation Porn Members Area

There are 27 movies for you to enjoy at this point. That isn't an abysmal number of flicks, but it isn't a number to get excited about it either. What will excite you, however, is the action. Each video brings you a one-on-one sex session between a naughty tranny and a horny dude. The couples go down on one another and fuck each other silly until the sexy shemale and her man are both completely satisfied.

You can stream the videos in an embedded player, but if you'd rather download them to your computer, you can do so in a couple of MP4 formats, including one that offers good-quality playback. The other format is meant for use with mobile devices.

It looks like every video comes with a set of pics, but when you go to click on the link that should take you to the photos, nothing happens. So despite appearances to the contrary, there actually aren't any pictures on this website. That's too bad, because with just the vids, there isn't all that much content to be had.

The website hasn't given us any new porn since November 2013, so it's been stuck at its current size for a while now. There's no telling if there's more smut on the way, but you can keep busy while waiting for fresh flicks to show up by visiting a few bonus sites, including Anal Introductions, Private Tropics and Russian Teen Ass, that are all part of the Private network.

There's no denying that Tranny Temptation has some good porn to offer, but it doesn't have enough to keep you around indefinitely. It's the kind of website that you check out for a short time and then move on from.

Tranny Temptation Alternatives

Tranny Temptation Includes 1 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

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Tranny Temptation Score & Stats

Tranny Temptation Stats Scores
  • 27+ Movies (avg: 30 mins)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Tranny Temptation Video Quality



Published: Aug 25, 2014