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Fat Ass Foooki Review

Fat Ass Foooki Porn Review




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Don't Like:

  • no longer updating
  • footage can be blurry
  • no photo sets

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Fat Ass Foooki Porn

Having recently reviewed another site in this network I knew that "foooki" wasn't a person's name and that Fat Ass Foooki wasn't going to feature one big-butt babe, but instead would focus its attention on many women with large posteriors - and I was right.

Each scene features a different big-booty female and they come in a variety of colors and sizes, from a slim white girl with a large butt to a chubby Latina with some shake in her rump to a BBBW with loads of dark cushion for the pushin'. The scenes are a mix of scripted and gonzo. You've got all the sex and positions you'd expect and, yes, some of the women take a dick up their butt as well.

The design is simple and clean and browsing the collection is easy. The content is exclusive and you can sort it, rate the scenes (thumbs up/thumbs down), leave comments and save them to your favorites. There are three big negatives I need to write about, though.

The first one is that the last update was in 2015 and the second is that there aren't any photo sets and a relatively modest 47 videos available. The third and biggest issue is that the the movies tend to be blurry and/or pixelated despite the fact that many have decent enough stats.

I mentioned that the site was part of a network and now I will tell you that you get full access to it with your membership. The Foooki Network features a ton of sites, including the likes of Cougar Foooki, Grandma Foooki and Hardcore Foooki, to name a few. They cover a wide range of hardcore niches (and, no, not all the sites have "foooki" in their name).

When taking the network into account the amount of content is hard to pass up. However, when looking at Fat Ass Foooki on its own the site doesn't seem worth it given its lack of updates and the fact that the scenes are pretty standard hardcore fare that you can easily find on other sites that are much bigger and updating regularly.

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Fat Ass Foooki Score & Stats

Fat Ass Foooki Stats Scores
  • 47+ Movies (avg: 18 mins)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Fat Ass Foooki Video Quality






1440x10801500K; Streaming

Fat Ass Foooki Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: May 5, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • Five videos were added, but there hasn't been an update since 2015, so clearly they ended for good at this point.