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Caramel Starr XXX Review

Caramel Starr XXX Porn Review




  • some HD videos
  • mobile-friendly interface
  • user ratings

Don't Like:

  • some nonexclusive content
  • inconsistent update schedule
  • could use more content

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Caramel Starr XXX made me think of my old college roommate, Lenny Warburg, whose mom used to send special Hanukkah caramels cut into six-pointed stars. He had a dog-eared copy (those corners really get bent when you're trying to pry stuck pages apart) of "Nude Nubian Queens" under his mattress.

Caramel is one of those hotties you can imagine as a video vixen, putting the hip into hip hop music, but this glamour model isn't just a seductive tease, because you'll see her masturbate and have sex on camera. Oh, and there's more good news for the likes of my old pal Lenny, because this black chick loves her some white dick!

You'll see lots of interracial action in her 29 videos, including some threesomes where her chocolate hotness gets sandwiched between two horny vanilla boys. She's not opposed to showing black men some love either as you'll witness in a hot scene with a double blowjob involving a gloryhole . She also performs in lesbian scenes.

Some flicks come in HD or are good in quality, but many others aren't nearly as impressive. Some are even below average in quality, but they're really few and far between. You can stream and download all of the scenes in MP4s, including a couple of her recorded cam shows. In terms of usability you're covered pretty well, with a place to post comments, tags to click on, ratings to give and a favorites section.

You can also check out 24 photo galleries and at least some of them have high-res pics. You can download all of them in Zip files. You'll see spreads where she poses for the camera as well as snapshots captured behind the scenes on some of her video shoots. You'll even see pics of her with tattooed TS pornstar Foxxy.

I'm not sure if she's still doing live shows, because the last recorded one is dated from January 2015. Still, for now, we'll count that as a bonus. She's added a few videos in the last month as well as one photo set, but updates can be slow. Nevertheless, even though it's a small site, I still think Caramel Starr XXX is worth joining.

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Caramel Starr XXX Score & Stats

Caramel Starr XXX Stats Scores
  • 29+ Movies (avg: 10 mins)
  • 24+ Pic Sets (12 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Caramel Starr XXX Video Quality




1920x1076K; Streaming

Published: Dec 22, 2015