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Black Shemale X Review

Black Shemale X Porn Review




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Black Shemale X Porn

I'll be the first to admit that Black Shemale X is a pretty cool name for a website, but I'll also be the first to say that the site leaves a lot to be desired. It's been online for several years now, but based on the amount of porn and lack of updates it doesn't look like it will be putting its competitors to shame anytime soon.

BlackShemaleX has no real excuse for the limited number of solo and hardcore tranny scenes it provides us with. In the past it wasn't uncommon for the site to go months without updating, but now it hasn't given us anything new since April 2014 and this time it looks like it might be done with updates for good.

There are only 27 videos, but at least they were re-encoded a few years ago and these days going with the larger of the two Windows Media formats allows you to enjoy HD footage. You can also download two sizes of MP4 files. The quality is impressive, even if the quantity disappoints.

At one point they only had masturbation scenes. Not that I complained - these hung hotties know how to talk naughty while stroking their sizable cocks. All the same, I like that you now have a couple of hardcore scenes, too.

I love the one where a muscled stud gets tied up and intimidated with various implements, including a riding crop and leather strap. He eventually sits his ass down on a chick's hard dick. Then he stands erect and shoots his load on her tits. She in turns adds to the sticky mess by spurting her tranny load on her taut stomach.

There are also 27 photo sets that you can download in Zip files and view in a hands-free slideshow. The pics are sharp enough to depict the beauty of each T-babe. My fave has to be Natassia Dream who could've turned me into a believer if she hadn't revealed her secret by removing her panties. Her dazzling smile is almost as beguiling as her slim waist, round, brown butt and rather large breasts.

It won't take you long to get through the content, so it's a good thing that members get access to several Tranny Pack bonus sites, including Mega Cock Tranny, TS Dolls, Shemale Punishers and TS Latex.

In the end, Black Shemale X has impressive-looking shemales sticking their bones up male bums, but the website is too small to merit a real recommendation. And with the lack of updates on top of that, things just aren't looking very good for this transsexual porn site.

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Black Shemale X Score & Stats

Black Shemale X Stats Scores
  • 27+ Movies (avg: 19 mins)
  • 27+ Pic Sets (124 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount7/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material3/10
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Black Shemale X Video Quality






720x4061000K; Streaming

Black Shemale X Reviewed by: Chris Parker

Latest Review Update: Jul 29, 2015

Since our last review of the site:

  • The site has grown by two videos and two photo sets, but it hasn't posted anything new since April 2014.