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Czech Taxi Review

Czech Taxi Porn Review




  • HD and Full HD movies
  • exclusive content
  • Czech bonus sites

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  • no recent updates
  • no photo sets
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Czech Taxi Porn

If you suddenly find yourself in a taxi outfitted with hidden cameras, chances are you're either in the Cash Cab or riding in the one and only Czech Taxi. If it's the latter, it's only a matter of time before you're getting naked, giving head and having sex while everything is recorded on hidden cam.

Unfortunately, it would appear as though this taxi hasn't been taken out for too many spins as of late, because the site hasn't updated at all since the end of 2016. There are still 41 videos on the site and there's nothing to suggest that more are on the way. That's disappointing, obviously.

Czech Taxi Members Area Preview

Czech Taxi Porn Members Area

You can stream the movies in an embedded player. They load quickly and you can jump ahead or back on the timeline without having to wait for it to buffer. When it comes to downloads, most come in a good-quality MP4 format and an HD Windows Media format, but things are a bit different with the six newest ones. They come in three MP4 formats, including a Full HD one.

The flicks are lengthy affairs that show a cabbie picking up a cute girl and making conversation while he drives her to her destination. There's quite a bit of chatting and none of it is in English. Don't worry, though, because everything is subtitled and all the gabbing leads to some great sex. Being the charming guy that he is, the cabbie talks the girls into getting naked and convinces them to fuck him right in his taxi. The screwing is recorded by hidden cameras and the babes have no idea they're being secretly filmed.

There aren't any photo sets to go along with the videos, but given the premise of the site, it's completely understandable. However, there are extras in the form of additional sites and they're all part of the Czech AV network. There are nearly 30 in all, including Czech Casting, Czech Mega Swingers and Czech Streets.

You probably won't want to park yourself on Czech Taxi for too long at this point, but you might want to give it a quick look. After all, the scenes are long, hot, high in quality and completely exclusive.

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Czech Taxi Score & Stats

Czech Taxi Stats Scores
  • 41+ Movies (avg: 35 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Czech Taxi Video Quality


1920x10804120K; Streaming





Czech Taxi Reviewed by: Chris Parker

Latest Review Update: Dec 8, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • No new content has been posted since the end of 2016.