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Fetish Transformation Review

Fetish Transformation Porn Review




  • good-quality videos
  • bonus sites
  • exclusive content

Don't Like:

  • inconsistent update schedule
  • no zipped photo sets
  • streams have to preload

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Fetish Transformation Porn

I've seen sites in which a chick is sporting a maid or nurse uniform or even the costumes from the Sailor Moon characters. In the fetish world this is called cosplay , which is short for costume play. It often involves people wearing costumes from their favorite anime or manga. On Fetish Transformation, they've taken the niche to its ultimate fetish level. Rather than only seeing chicks acting the part of the character they're playing, you get to see them become the things they're pretending to be.

On FetishTransformation you'll find a good-looking, user-friendly layout. There are 332 sets of photos and many of them come with pics that are high-res. You'll see everything from sexy chicks transforming into slithering snakes or some form of feline to a bald latex mannequin. After the transformation, many of the babes even get naked for you, which is always nice. New pictures get posted every few days.

In addition to the galleries, there are also 103 videos to check out. These can all be streamed in an embedded player and downloaded as good-quality Windows Media files. You'll certainly love seeing babes clad only in body makeup or tight-fitting latex costumes. Some of them even have a hole in their bodysuits, so they can play with their privates for you.

The only thing I wasn't quite ecstatic about was the fact that most of the transformations occur over a series of videos. With movies sometimes being posted as much as two weeks apart, it can take a little while for you to see the whole transformation. Sometimes the chicks are merely dancing on screen, posing and exposing their bodies, while other times you might get to see the makeup and costume changes.

In addition to the main content, your membership gives you access to lots of other sites, but for those only interested in seeing chicks in latex, PVC and body makeup, they aren't going to do it for you because they mostly offer a variety of mainstream porn instead, like on My Bang Van and Bea 4 You. But you also get access to Crazy Fetish Pass, which contains hundreds of kinky galleries.

For those interested in seeing a rare glimpse of chicks being transformed into works of art, Fetish Transformation will do the trick. It would be nice to see the website post new movies a little more often, but it's pretty decent all the same.

Fetish Transformation Alternatives

User Comments

By Aaron curtis on Feb 11, 2011

Dose anyone know the last name of Jenny the snake girl


Fetish Transformation Includes 32 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

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Fetish Transformation Score & Stats

Fetish Transformation Stats Scores
  • 103+ Movies (avg: 7 mins)
  • 332+ Pic Sets (91 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Fetish Transformation Video Quality


640x4802000K; Streaming



Fetish Transformation Reviewed by: Chris Parker

Latest Review Update: Jul 14, 2015

Since our last review of the site:

  • The site continues to update and provide us with content that shows beautiful women being transformed in wondrous ways.