Gays Fuck Guys Review

Gays Fuck Guys Porn Review




  • exclusive content
  • many HD videos
  • good design and navigation

Don't Like:

  • no updating
  • can't save favorites
  • not mobile-responsive


30 Days

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Gays Fuck Guys Porn

Gays Fuck Guys is another site that brings you gay-for-pay sex. However, there's no reality setup where you see the straight dudes being paid money to have sex with another man. Instead, you just see the typical seduction scenario or a guy getting caught masturbating, which leads to man-on-man sex.

GaysFuckGuys has 104 videos to download in Windows Media files and stream in Flash. You'll find that a good number come in HD and even those that don't still provide good or great-quality playback. Each scene lasts about 15 to 20 minutes.

Gays Fuck Guys Members Area Preview

Gays Fuck Guys Porn Members Area

The flicks look like they were filmed in an Eastern European location and there's a mix of bareback and condom sex, which is a bit unusual in my experience. Usually, porn from this part of the world tends to be an all or nothing proposition when it comes to rubbers.

One of the performers in each scene tends to fit the stereotype of a hetero male. Often, one guy is older and he might be a bit paunchy too. Sometimes both models are around the same age, but one of them has a slightly edgier look that could make him appear straight.

There are also 185 sets of high-res pics that you can download in Zip files and they have anywhere from 40 to over 100 images. The layouts look professionally shot, but the men are definitely amateurs . You'll see every imperfection in these large, crisp photos.

That's okay, though. It makes you feel as if you're seeing real people, not overly slick gay-pornstar wannabes. I guess it helps with the illusion that some of these studs are truly heterosexual. There's nothing worse than seeing a straight-gay site with overly coiffed and plucked males posing as straight bait.

You start off getting one bonus site when you first sign up and then another one for each week that you stay a member. As far as gay choices go, there's Gay Sissies about guys who are made to crossdress before having sex with another dude. There's also Try Pantyhose where guys wear hosiery and in some cases enjoy bisexual or gay encounters.

On the downside is the fact that there hasn't been an update in a little over seven months (and I wouldn't count on any updates in the future). However, there's enough content already here and it's hardcore and high in quality. In the end, Gays Fuck Guys could be worth checking out.

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Gays Fuck Guys Score & Stats

Gays Fuck Guys Stats Scores
  • 104+ Movies (avg: 16 mins)
  • 185+ Pic Sets (60 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount11/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material9/10
Rabbit Score72%

Understand the criteria

Gays Fuck Guys Video Quality



Gays Fuck Guys Reviewed by: A.K. Anderson

Latest Review Update: Jun 23, 2015

Since our last review of the site:

  • They've added about 20 new videos and 10 more photo sets, but they also haven't added anything more in over seven months now.