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    Groupsex Frenzy Review

    Groupsex Frenzy Porn Review




    • some HD videos
    • zipped photo sets
    • bonus sites

    Don't Like:

    • nonexclusive content
    • no recent updates
    • no advanced search

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    Groupsex Frenzy Categories & Tags

    Groupsex Frenzy Porn

    Group Sex Frenzy is dedicated to sex scenes with more than two partners, like threesomes , foursomes and more-somes, but you'll occasionally see a lone chick in gangbang scenarios. You'll also see ladies go lesbian in FFM hookups. Nothing is exclusive, but that doesn't mean the content isn't worthwhile.

    There are 608 videos on GroupSexFrenzy. You can stream them in an embedded Flash player and download them as Windows Media and MP4 files. The movies tend to look pretty good and the newer ones are available in HD. You can grab them in parts if you want, but full-length films are also available. You can post comments and leave a rating if you want.

    Groupsex Frenzy Members Area Preview

    Groupsex Frenzy Porn Members Area

    There are approximately 332 photo galleries as well. It's a little tough to come up with an exact number, because the picture section contains a mix of photos and vid caps. The actual photographs vary in size. Some are high-res, but the majority aren't. You can download them in Zip files and view them in automatic slideshows with adjustable speeds.

    You'll definitely get threesomes more often than not. Interestingly enough, there are just as many FMM encounters. They're probably taken from one of the bisexual sites on the network. Regardless of how many performers appear, you can always count on seeing raunchy blowjobs and hardcore screwing.

    One thing worth noting is that getting around could be a bit easier. The sections have multiple pages and you mostly find yourself moving through them only one or two pages at a time. The first and last two can be accessed at any time and this does help matters.

    The site hasn't updated since the beginning of August, but there are lots of extras to keep busy with, like additional vids as well as many bonus sites from All Porn Sites Pass, including Adorable Legs, Anal Fuck Thrills, Barefoot Fuckers, Fuck Mature and Sex Toys Porno. Just keep in mind that the bonuses overlap quite a bit, so some of them don't add much value.

    With nonexclusive porn, Group Sex Frenzy is far from perfect. That being said, the site does have a lot to offer and comes with a bevy of hot bonuses, so it could worth a look if you can see past the few negatives.

    Groupsex Frenzy Alternatives

    Groupsex Frenzy Features

    Groupsex Frenzy Score & Stats

    Groupsex Frenzy Stats Scores
    • 608+ Movies (avg: 16 mins)
    • 332+ Pic Sets (90 pics-per-set)
    • HD Porn
    • Streaming
    • No Download Limits
    • Photo Zip Sets
    • High Res Photos
    • No 4K Videos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality10/15
    Content Amount12/15
    Download / Streaming5/5
    Bonus Material9/10
    Rabbit ScoreN/A

    Understand the criteria

    Groupsex Frenzy Video Quality






    640x4801500K; Streaming

    Groupsex Frenzy Reviewed by: Chris Parker

    Latest Review Update: Nov 4, 2017

    Since our last review of the site:

    • They've added 36 videos and nearly as many photo sets. But there hasn't been an update since the beginning of August.