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Perfect Hentai Review

Perfect Hentai Porn Review




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Perfect Hentai Porn

To me, the Perfect Hentai  manga has a powerfully erotic story and is drawn so well that it makes live-action pornstar sex look bland. The equivalent hentai anime would be drawn just as well, be just as engaging in terms of story line and come with high-quality voice-overs that make you forget you're watching a cartoon. On this site, you'll find both, which is why I think the sitename is very apropos. However, I wouldn't go as far as to say it's perfect.

PerfectHentai doesn't offer any exclusive content. Instead, it comes from a variety of sources, including erotic drawings, well-known DVD series like Lingeries Office and Angel Blade and erotic comics and manga. There's also a ton of live-action porn for some reason, all of which stars at least one sexy Asian babe.

A new video is added every two days, while new galleries seem to be added daily This has gotten us 725 videos and 4759 galleries. The number of movies has increased quite a bit since we last visited, but the photo set count hasn't changed all that much. It's possible they're rotating content, because there should be a lot more with that frequent of an schedule.  On a positive note I do like their new interface.

I also like that many of the sets come with Zip downloads, but I'm not a fan of how the quality varies. Some images are grainy and low-res, while others are crystal clear and high-res. The videos are even worse. Both the screen sizes and qualities vary greatly. Some are very poor, but overall you'll find 480p videos. You can also filter the collection to show you nothing but HD movies, but most of these are the live-action ones I mentioned earlier. A lot of the content is also CGI, especially among the older sets.

Your membership comes with a lot of extras. There are Flash toons and games, a streaming DVD theater and access to bonus sites, but most of them are live-action ones, like Totally Redhead and Exxxcellent. There's also Shemales Of Hentai. A dating site is linked to.

Perfect Hentai is far from perfect, but if the idea of having access to a smorgasbord of anime and manga porn as well as erotic drawings turns you on, then it's worth taking a look. The non-hentai content and varying quality is a pain, but not to the point where it takes away from your enjoyment of the site.

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Perfect Hentai Score & Stats

Perfect Hentai Stats Scores
  • 725+ Movies (avg: 30 mins)
  • 4759+ Pic Sets (20 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Perfect Hentai Video Quality




1280x7203978K; Streaming



Perfect Hentai Reviewed by: Chris Parker

Latest Review Update: Oct 24, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • The photo set count has increased by 38 and the video count has gone up by 252. It looks like we're getting a new movie every two days instead of every four days, and new galleries daily. But they could be rotating content.
  • The site was given a makeover.