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    Sexual Disgrace Review

    Sexual Disgrace Porn Review




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    Sexual Disgrace Porn

    When you name a site Sexual Disgrace, you have to bring it. The tour page says, "bondage, deep throat and rough sex " and the scenes do depict all three, but, as much as it pains me to say it since I'm a big Fetish Network fan, I found some things missing here.

    I'd like to start off by saying that it's not the quality nor the caliber of the female subs that's lacking. The movies can be saved in several MP4 sizes, including ones that let you to enjoy HD and Full HD footage. The babes are also smoking hot and willing to take all the punishment. Their snot, cum and tear-filled faces certainly drive the "disgraceful" part home.

    Sexual Disgrace Members Area Preview

    Sexual Disgrace Porn Members Area

    There are 130 movies and that's a decent number. What I didn't enjoy about some of them was that the girl wasn't really moved around. Now, of course I saw some exceptions where she was bound in a different position, but many have her in one position and the Master shoves his cock in her mouth, her pussy and then either fingers her or uses a toy.

    I also found the Doms lackluster at times. (Well, not in the trouser area.) They would occasionally moan and give a few slaps on the bottom or hair-tugs, but I was expecting more hardcore here and some scenes didn't have it. Each movie has about a five-minute intro with the girl and then a follow-up interview and the excitement level varied from super excited and enthusiastic to kinda uninterested.

    The site is easy to browse. You can view all the like-themed content together using the "categories" section and you can also isolate material from one specific network site or view all the updates combined. Saving to your favorites is an option and you have the ability to rate the scenes too. Oh, and there are 130 sets of high-res photos as well.

    The latest scene dates from August 2016 and whether they'll eventually resume remains to be seen, so while you wait to get an answer, you can keep busy with the bonus sites and they explore more fetishes and BDSM . You'll happily waste away whole afternoons with sites like Missogyny and others.

    The site certainly has some things going for it, like ease of use, exclusivity and terrific quality. Sure, it's not the best sexual bondage site I've ever come across, but Sexual Disgrace is a decent site and it's big enough to be worth visiting even though it isn't getting any bigger.

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    Sexual Disgrace Score & Stats

    Sexual Disgrace Stats Scores
    • 130+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
    • 130+ Pic Sets (40 pics-per-set)
    • HD Porn
    • Streaming
    • No Download Limits
    • Photo Zip Sets
    • High Res Photos
    • No 4K Videos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality15/15
    Content Amount11/15
    Download / Streaming5/5
    Bonus Material8/10
    Rabbit ScoreN/A

    Understand the criteria

    Sexual Disgrace Video Quality




    1280x7208000K; Streaming



    Sexual Disgrace Reviewed by: Chris Parker

    Latest Review Update: Jul 8, 2017

    Since our last review of the site:

    • The site has grown by eight videos and photo sets, but updates stopped in Aug 2016.