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Taboo 18 Review

Taboo 18 Porn Review




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Taboo 18 is a site that brings you intimate encounters that some would consider inappropriate. For example, the babes have no problem giving head to their stepfathers and stepbrothers. They also aren't above stroking a client's cock for money or sucking dick to advance their modeling careers.

When you first sign in to the site, you end up on the Fetish Network's homepage. There's a lot to see there and there's a lot to click on. Thankfully, getting to the content you came for is easy, as all you need to is click on the "our sites" tab, which takes you to a page with links to all the sites in the network. Click on the thumbnail that represents Taboo18 and you can start enjoying the content.

Taboo 18 Members Area Preview

Taboo 18 Porn Members Area

The site has 89 videos to share with us and they're all very hot. My only concern is that no new ones have been posted in quite some time. The most recent dates from the end of April. Whether there'll be more on the way eventually remains to be seen.

Most of the movies have been filmed from a first-person perspective, so it's really easy to put yourself in the shoes of the guys. The dudes can be seen getting their cocks stroked and sucked by girls who probably shouldn't be fooling around with them.

The videos can be streamed online and downloaded in four MP4 formats. The best of these allows you to savor all the hot action in gorgeous Full HD footage. If you're the kind of person who likes to view porn on their smartphone you'll be happy to know that the there's a file specifically for mobile devices.

Almost all the movies come with pictures, but sometimes you get vid caps instead. There are about 35 sets of photographs and the images are sharp and clear. They aren't high-res, but they're easy on the eyes all the same. They show the girls stripping and working their magic on hard cocks.

You can explore the rest of the network's sites whenever you want. Bondage Auditions, Missogyny and My Kinky Diary are a few that you can visit. Given that the network has "fetish " in its name, you can be sure that you're getting more taboo porn.

Taboo 18 has grown to a decent size and now offers enough to be worthy of your time and money even if it isn't updating at the moment. If you like the idea of watching taboo sexual relationships, the site should keep you pretty entertained.

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Taboo 18 Score & Stats

Taboo 18 Stats Scores
  • 89+ Movies (avg: 18 mins)
  • 35+ Pic Sets (65 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount8/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material3/10
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Taboo 18 Video Quality


1920x10803085K; Streaming



Taboo 18 Reviewed by: Chris Parker

Latest Review Update: Dec 7, 2015

Since our last review of the site:

  • Nothing has been added to the collection since April, unfortunately.