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Tainster Review

Tainster Porn Review




  • 100s of Full HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • mobile-responsive interface

Don't Like:

  • no advanced search
  • no sorting options
  • expensive first month


30 Days

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Tainster Categories & Tags

Tainster Porn

Tainster supplies you with a huge amount of diverse porn. There's so much to see on this network that it's difficult to know where to begin. The first thing would be to check out all the sites that you can access with your one membership.

There are about 15 sites on Tainster. They include orgy action from the likes of Party Hardcore, but you'll also find original content with dildos and fake cum on Slime Wave. And don't forget to satisfy all your golden-shower desires on multiple sites including Pissing In Action.

Tainster Members Area Preview

Tainster Porn Members Area

They've done a little redesign, but it's mostly just a color change. They still aren't dating the content, though, which means I can't give you a precise update schedule. However, I can tell you that there are about 1,000 more scenes so I think it's safe to say they're growing at a nice pace.

You can browse the pages of content or select a specific site from the drop-down menu and just focus in on that for a bit. Tags and a basic search are also provided. There are large thumbnails for each scene, but you can't sort them. And though you can "like" the scenes and track your favorites, you can't leave comments.

You're looking at 4910 videos and around 4800 photo sets - sometimes a scene only comes with vid caps. The videos can be streamed and downloaded in MP4 files. Downloading gives you three options and most of the movies offer a stunning Full HD format.

It's worth noting that when you click a download link, you get a message that your "personal download link" is being generated. And then they state that it will be active for 24 hours. It's just a safeguard to prevent people from sharing the links. If you try to download the same video after the 24-hour window, a new link is generated, so it's not limiting your access to downloads in any way.

The average scene is 20 minutes, though some can run an hour or two (generally these come from the large orgy sites). Some updates will have a logo that says "remaster" and what this means is that they've taken an older scene and brought it up to today's standards.

There aren't any bonuses, but you will find a link to SINX, a streaming-only site that lets you purchase various channels. Not that you need them, because Tainster remains an amusement park of porn that will delight you for months to come. With gorgeous babes and lots of high-quality hardcore porn, this network remains worth joining.

Tainster Alternatives

Tainster Features

User Comments

By Mr.Roboto on Aug 6, 2020

This used to be a good site when the provided all the content for each sub-site like PartyHardcore and DrunkSexOrgy. Now they give you only the newest videos from each site and if you want the rest, you have to pay for that individual site. You probably get like 20% of the videos available. The content you can get is generally OK, but on a lot of the sites they are just recycling old content at higher quality, or from additional cameras. In addition, half the time their server doesn't serve up properly. Right now I can't even download because the links are messed up. Don't do it until they get their act together, but it may be too late for this site. They don't seem to invest in a lot of new content.


By shah on Mar 10, 2020

Most of the videos are HD


Tainster Includes 11 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

Tainster Bonus Porn Sites

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Tainster Membership Options

Cross Sales

1 pre checked
$40.00  30 Days

*Rebills at 32.00

$62.00  60 Days
$85.00  90 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Paypal

Tainster Score & Stats

Tainster Stats Scores
  • 4910+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 4800+ Pic Sets (125 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount15/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material2/10
Rabbit Score80%

Understand the criteria

Tainster Video Quality




1920x10807140K; Streaming

Tainster Reviewed by: A.K. Anderson

Latest Review Update: Jan 6, 2019

Since our last review of the site:

  • About 1,000 videos and photo sets were added. They still don't date the content though.