Girls Do Porn Review

Girls Do Porn Porn Review




  • newer videos in 4K
  • exclusive content
  • mobile-friendly interface

Don't Like:

  • unclear update schedule
  • delay on accessing bonus site
  • lacking user features

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Girls Do Porn Porn

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Guys are gruff and ladies are elegant. Boys do sports and Girls Do Porn. Oh, was that last stereotype wrong? I suppose more and more women are playing sports now compared to any other century. Wait, you mean the porn part was wrong? I don't think so. After all, this site is filled with amateur teens who all enjoy having sex in front of the camera.

On GirlsDoPorn, you'll find sexy girls between the ages of 18 and 21. All of them are sex enthusiasts and have an exhibitionist streak and they're appearing on the site in order to break into the porn world . For many of them, the video you're watching is supposed to be their debut adult scene. It's kind of a similar concept to what you'll see on a site like FTV Girls (first time video). 

There are 615 movies right now and while the content isn't dated, the site has grown by about 100 scenes in the last year. There aren't any photos and the only images you'll find are screen caps that serve as previews for the clips that can be found with many of the movies. All of them can be streamed in several sizes and downloaded in MP4s with HD playback and many of the newer ones are in 4K .

Almost every scene is shot in the same bed in the same room. They start off with a quick Q&A or a brief self-introduction with the model and then move on to showing her strip, give a blowjob and have sex. In some scenes, the guy will fuck her (and sometimes her ass ) with a sex toy and there's the occasional threesome .

There's also some behind-the-scenes footage (161 videos) and deleted scenes (10), which I included in my count. In one of the deleted scenes, a model just starts her shoot when suddenly she runs into the bathroom and locks the door, claiming she has an upset stomach. She was supposed to come back the next day to finish it, but ended up skipping town. 

Stick around for more than a month and you can access Girls Do Toys too, but there's enough here to justify the cost of joining without any bonuses. In the end, Girls Do Porn is worth checking out if you like amateurs, some of whom are appearing on screen for the first time. I would like to see them add more usability features, though, as all you get are sorting options.

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User Comments

By pornfan9 on Apr 7, 2019

Good content and well shot scenes. But the navigation on the site is the worst. Anytime you select a scene to see if you'd like to watch, then go back to the home page it reverts back to page 1. The site also prevents a user from opening scenes in a new tab.


By dfwsasq on Jan 10, 2019

Girls are attractive and well groomed. Almost all are completely shaved. Lots of boob jobs. Scenes all follow the same pattern. Biggest issue is that no names are used. Even fake ones would help. All downloads are named the same. Images of website girls are randomized to the point that is difficult to see what you have already downloaded or want to see again. I have found myself downloading duplicate scenes. Nice website but the thrill goes away quickly.


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Girls Do Porn Score & Stats

Girls Do Porn Stats Scores
  • 615+ Movies (avg: 40 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • 4K Videos
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Girls Do Porn Video Quality




1280x7203478K; Streaming

Girls Do Porn Reviewed by: A.K. Anderson

Latest Review Update: May 30, 2018

Since our last review of the site:

  • There are about 100 more scenes available, but the update schedule is still unclear.