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Shadow Lane Review

Shadow Lane Porn Review




  • HD quality for the newer movies
  • exclusive content
  • some good user features

Don't Like:

  • download limit
  • streams have to load before skipping
  • limited pagination while browsing

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Shadow Lane Porn

No, Shadow Lane isn't the porn name of voice-over actor and host of "America's Top 40" from 1988 to 1995, Shadoe Stevens. In fact it isn't even the name of a person. Rather, it's the name of a well-respected spanking production company and that's the type of content that fills the site. I also saw anal -plugging, blowjobs and sex, but for the most part ShadowLane is about spanking.

The site's motto is, "The romance of discipline" and that idea does seem to permeate the content. The girls are quite sexy, both the submissive and dominant ones, and everyone involved does genuinely enjoy the roles they play. There's a categories section should you want to narrow down your search for something a little more specific. Or check out the model index.

However, one annoying issue that came up was the fact that I could only skip ahead a few pages at a time while browsing the sections, with no option to jump right to the last page or back to the first. This caused a lot more clicking than there needs to be and it will only get worse as the site continues to grow, but a growing site is always a plus of course.

The 455 movies can be streamed in an embedded Flash player and downloaded in MP4 files. The bit rates varied, but I found that they were mostly 480p resolutions, with 720p among the newer ones. As for the photo sets they were also easy to find in their own section and I counted 164 galleries. All the sets can be downloaded in Zip files and you'll find high-res images. For each set, as well as for each scene, you can leave a comment and rate it on a 5-star scale.

Everything is dated, but the update schedule seems to be a little erratic, with a new video being added every 1-2 weeks. Still, in the end, if you're looking for some good spanking action with some hardcore mixed in, like anal, then Shadow Lane is worth checking out. Take note of the download limit, though, and the fact that you don't get any bonus sites, just discounts to other paysites.

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User Comments

By dsspengler on Jan 19, 2017

Some of the newer clips are actually from videos made 15 - 17 years ago. They have a lot of videos but keep using the same models over and over again and most of these clips are footage of amateur playacting with more massaging than spanking. They have a few good clips of actual spanking but you have to wade through a mass of footage to find them. This makes download limits frustrating. The attempts at actual porn are really boring. This production company has been around a while and their good stuff is for sale. Web site - much more quantity than quality! Don't waste your money.


By mcgoogan on Jun 19, 2014

Really bad, boring stuff. Ripoff. See rolf's review: he's right on.


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Shadow Lane Score & Stats

Shadow Lane Stats Scores
  • 455+ Movies (avg: 10 mins)
  • 164+ Pic Sets (40 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos
  • DL Limit: Hourly (3GB/12 hours)

Score Breakdown

Image Quality12/15
Content Amount12/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit Score73%

Understand the criteria

Shadow Lane Video Quality




640x4804000K; Streaming



Shadow Lane Reviewed by: A.K. Anderson

Latest Review Update: Jun 10, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • Updating looks to have slowed down a little, but the site has grown by over 60 photo sets and more than 200 videos.
  • There are some HD videos now.